Weather in Bucharest
When is the best time to visit Bucharest? Find out about the weather in the Romanian capital before you plan your trip.
Summer in Bucharest
The warmest months in the city are July and August where temperatures reach average highs of 30 degrees Celsius, with it sometimes getting as hot as 42 degrees Celsius.
Winter in Bucharest
Winters in Bucharest can be harsh, and in the coldest months (generally January and February) average minimum temperatures drop to minus 4 degrees Celsius. Rain and snowfall are also common.
The Best Time To Travel
Some destinations, such as Bucharest, are beautiful in the snow, however, the winter cold may make your trip less enjoyable.
If you have the option, we recommend visiting the city in the spring or autumn. The temperatures at these times of year are pleasant and mild: perfect for sightseeing.